Sunday, December 7, 2008

a special countdown before Christmas...

Twelve days until our family of three is due to become a family of four. Life is already different. I mean we picked out our Christmas tree on Tuesday night and it is still not completely decorated! Oh well, I guess that is what happens when you are nine months pregnant and the valiant decorating efforts of the family consist of a team where one two foot person wants to hang every ornament on the top of the tree and the only person able to lift her up high enough to reach has about five lifts of the thirty eight pounder in him for the night before he calls it a day! We do not own a scale, but the little two foot tornado gets a turn on the one at my OB's office every week.

So the Christmas tree is coming along and the house is looking very merry and bright. We have had a busy week of festive family traditions. To begin with, we attended New Hope's Youth Christmas Production of Charlie Brown Christmas. It was a hit for the whole family, especially for Madison. Every time her favorite actor, Lauren-her beloved babysitter, took the stage, Madison shouted in her loudest voice throughout the auditorium, "I SEE LAUREN! HI LAUREN!," insistingly waving her hands until being acknowledged. Then there was the annual Christmas tree lighting at Castle Hospital in Kailua. First we hopped on the complimentary trolley ride in downtown Kailua and rode up to the hospital where we laid out our blankets in front of the hospital, kicked off our slippers, enjoyed the christmas music from the armed forces band and Honolulu Boys' choir as Madison sipped on her first cup of hot chocolate. As usual, the lighting of the tree was a success and a glorious vision for all of the gathered Kailua families to enjoy.

Tonight, we continue with our traditions as we are preparing to attend the annual Christmas "member's only" party- ZOO Lites at the Honolulu Zoo! We are looking forward to the music, lights, ono food, bruddah santa, and possibly a glimpse of the baby sumatran tigers not yet on display. This is a much anticipated Millard family event as the zoo puts on a wonderful celebration for Christmas with crafts and games for the keiki and hawaiian Christmas music and prizes. Mahalo to our small group bible study ohana for renewing our annual flamingo family membership to the Honolulu Zoo for Madison's birthday.

While most people are counting down the days until Christmas, we are counting down the days until the birth of the newest Millard. The Christmas tree at the hospital looks beautiful every time we pass by it on our drive down the Pali into Kailua but we pray that we will not have to stop there until the twelve days from now...when we expect to receive our highly anticipated special gift. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers over the next two weeks.


matt said...

You guys are in our prayers!

SeanH said...

Can't wait for the new Bruddah Millard! (Or sistah!)

Holly said...

You Millards seem to be doing it right. So festive and fun, even in Mommy's 9th month! Very impressive, and prayers are most certainly with you!